Top Producer® X CRM: Creating and Sending Texting Templates

Streamline your text messaging by creating custom texting templates in Top Producer® X CRM. Templates you create can be set to auto-populate customer information, saving you time and maximizing your productivity.

Note: Due to legal restrictions, this feature is available to U.S. residents only.

Creating a Texting Template

To create a texting template, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Marketing > Template Library > Texting. You will see a list of all available texting templates, organized by category. Click on a template to view the contents.


  2. If you would like to start with a blank email template, click Add from Scratch.


    To use an existing template as a base, open the template viewer by clicking Add from Library. Select the template you would like to use, then click Customize Template. This will create a copy of the template for you to modify.


  3. Enter a name for your template, select a template category, and the body of the text.


  4. To enter a merge code, such as customer name, click the Template button tpxtemplatebutton. Search in the template list for the merge code you’d like to add, and click to add it to the text.


    The merge code will be inserted into the body of the text.


    When you later compose a text, the merge code will be automatically replaced with the appropriate information.

    List of Merge Codes

  5. Once you’re done editing your template, click Save Template.

Congratulations, your template is now ready for use. If you’d like to make any changes, click the template name in the Template Library to open the template for editing.

Sending a Texting Template

To send a texting template, follow these steps.

Note: To send a text message, first connect your mobile number. See Set up Texting for more information.

  1. Click the Compose button compose and select Send Text sendtexticon, or click the Send Text button in the Texts tab of a contact record.

  2. Click the Template button tpxtemplatebutton to view merge codes and texting templates. Your personal templates will appear at the top. Click the one you wish to apply.


  3. The template will be automatically applied to the text, and any merge codes will be auto-populated.


  4. Edit the text as desired, and click Send Text to send.

Log in to create a texting template.

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